Sunday, February 14, 2010

Words Of Encouragement For Someone Who Is Stressed Words Of Encouragement From Experience?

Words of encouragement from experience? - words of encouragement for someone who is stressed

I will do my EKG and stress test tomorrow, I know that I used to know the results of a few days, but I'm still very nervous .. I just this feeling bad about everything. Any words of encouragement would be sooo much appreciated!


Bette D said...

I think it would be normal if you have any questions about the studies of this kind. I raised you, and do not work at all painful and the majority of employees in this direction, very sweet, you calm down. I agree with you, the wait for the investigations can be very stressful. Planning ahead a few things to do, he loves to drag a little easier. Blessing on the results.

spider 1 said...

I know how I was feeling last month when I have the checks are simple and painless mine.The went, but important to know when you start problems.II with an angiogram and found two arteries instructed to open and worried Added stents.I m 'for me, but happy that I at least know the problem is and we do not know anything better than to try the fate and happening.Good thing, you d' to be strong and remember the evidence there to help, like millions who have helped before.

peoplesl... said...

Treatment of heart I've been many times the test has nothing to do and are very good test diease DR is a necessity, and most are positive, the Lord wanted you good luck

MamaSmur... said...

If a problem occurs, you can cut it in the bud by now been tested. It is simple and painless. Sometimes the negative feelings that are you will get, just because I know what to expect

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