Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nacked Indian We Will See Mars, By Nacked Eye Like Moon, On 082806 Indian Midnight. Any One Know Details About This ?

We will see Mars, by nacked eye like moon, on 082806 Indian midnight. Any one know details about this ? - nacked indian

The e-mail that the rumor that they actually August 28, 2003rd A recycled, recently. And if you close the e-mail, says Mars will be as big as the moon. If you search on site (urban legend) will tell you everything about him.


lyn said...

I try to. But it seems a big cloud over my head have our weekend. Darn.

mommaof2... said...

yup its a myth ... what happens in 2003, and not as exaggerated as it is called .... if you give me the link and ill-Amin

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