Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Books On Telescope Lens Refraction Of Light In A Telescope.?

Refraction of light in a telescope.? - books on telescope lens

My question is is is - a lot of books and even over the Internet in a telescope, the image will come from the infinite, is then passed through the lens focal length increases, passes through the lens of the eye, the shorter focal length, then the image formed at infinity again. Now we have seen the light of the object comes from the infinite, and we wanted to see more clearly whether we would be able to analyze or to see properly ... what is the use of the object from a general increase, if the final image is formed at infinity, and yet we are not able to see? Infinity to infinity? Books are evil or what? Can someone explain with diagrams ray? Thank you in advance. This answer, which I for my exams WHI have tomorrow.


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