Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Is Menstrogen I Temporarily Stopped Breastfeeding 2 Wks Ago 2 Take Menstrogen, Ampicillin, Flagyll And Indocin. Can I Resum?

I temporarily stopped breastfeeding 2 wks ago 2 take menstrogen, ampicillin, flagyll and indocin. Can I resum? - what is menstrogen

Someone can not remember, because their breast-feeding of drugs and said again? I temporarily stopped breastfeeding my baby at the age of ten months ago about 2 weeks menstrogen, ampicillin, and indocin Flagyll. My dr. says I can. But I need a second opinion. And when can I start breastfeeding again?


sarah t said...

Apparently after a friend, you can restart the quantity of milk, even if it is drying, I assume that by stimulating the chest while rocking the baby or using a pump. I do not know how long the medication that he remain in the system and probably best to visit a doctor if your CV or if it is necessary to "run the tap so to speak. Good luck x

Lu-Boo said...

You may need to pump and foods that help with milk production, milk can be dried at the time to eat. Oatmeal promotes milk production.

Can't Stop Smiling! said...

If you still milk!

help said...

stopped my milk, because of the stress and had to give my baby formula.
I have started my baby at every meal and after 4 days, the production of fresh milk.
While, therefore, should remain patient and not be a problem.
I hope it for you

sarcasti... said...

immediately. ensure that the body to produce, you need to pump while you are taking medication, make sure that keeps the production?

Emily E said...

As soon as possible if your body does not always go the milk! Hopefully pumped and threw all her medications!

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