Friday, January 1, 2010

What Is Soma Does Someone Know About The Hallucinatory Effects Of The Juice Of The Soma Plant?

Does someone know about the hallucinatory effects of the juice of the Soma Plant? - what is soma

I would also like to know more about the endorphins, hormones that elevate mood to produce in the body. The Soma plant was from the old Indian (India) used to it high in the celebration of religious ceremonies. I believe it in the mountains of the Hindu Kush and is now extinct.


Master Cloud said...

The identity of the Soma-plant is not yet determined. There are many theories. Some describe it as a work soma, some grass, some as a fungus or a combination of extracts from various sources. The effects of Soma Soma depend on what it is to be determined, so that these effects are now very difficult. One effect of the soma, is consistent with the literature of Indo-Aryan is the ability to communicate, or to merge with the divine or with spirits. However, this effect is often seen with many natural hallucinogens, so it does not cause a reduction in the number of the identity of soma itself or its other effects.

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