Saturday, January 30, 2010

Keratosis Skin Of Dog What Can I Do To Help My Skin Condition, Keratosis Pilaris?

What can I do to help my skin condition, keratosis pilaris? - keratosis skin of dog

I have a skin disease as keratosis pilaris. I was born to him and puts his white skin on her arms and legs. It seems that the seeds / acne, but it is not. I tried all the creams and scrubs, but nothing helped. Has anyone succeeded in this skin condition that has to reduce irregular?

Also, because I been picking out irregularities in the course of the years I have scars. Is there a good cream or lotion to remove scars?


alc0035 said...

If you keep on washing and loading of the product with tons of chemicals is only going to cause skin irritation. If I were you, I like all organic products. Coconut and Emu oil is great for the skin. Raw Organic Shea butter is wonderful.

Try going to the health store or search online .. I have climbed all the mountains.

There are many there to help the bio-oils, reduce inflammation, reddness, scars, etc.

... said...

I had a major improvement as the reduction of milk and gluten from my diet.

Try it!

It took some time, and it has not disappeared, but it is certainly better.

Good luck!

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