Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yeast Infection After Hysterectomy I Have Monthly Yeast Infections After A Hysterectomy?

I have monthly yeast infections after a hysterectomy? - yeast infection after hysterectomy

I had a Hyst. 8 months ago and now have a yeast infection every month on time menstrate How can I stop them!


sab said...

To appear in the first year after a hysterectomy. Did you know that the cervix? This can always (and still need Pap) smear to get. Hormone replacement therapy can also be integrated. A good treatment is to introduce the yogurt into the vagina. I know it sounds bad, but it really works. Know in all sincerity, your gynecologist what happens must be a better solution! Take care of yourself! You're still recovering!

angel said...

Ask your doctor if you have low estrogen levels. Especially if you are in the age of menopause. This can result in a terrible condition is called vaginal atrophy. This is not to improve themselves and the benefits of estrogen cream or tablets. For vaginal use only, which affects the whole body. It would be worth a try. If you are older, remember this information when you get older. Nobody tells us how to be this terrible disease. Good luck and please check with your document.

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