Saturday, January 9, 2010

What Is The Largest Shark Ever Discovered Have You Ever Had A Near-death Experience? If So, What Wsas It?

Have you ever had a near-death experience? If so, what wsas it? - what is the largest shark ever discovered

I had 2nd One of them was as follows:
I was in the ocean in Florida on a boat with friends. We all swim and I was about 10 meters or if the vessel. The laughter of my friends went back to the boat and stayed in the water, but farther away from me. I go into the water, enjoying myself, when I heard my friends screaming. I looked, she thought only Ffun, but then I realized, I screamed, waving around with his hands. I had no idea of his words, unless finally heard a "Jaws". I turned around and saw a large dorsal fin about 50 feet, swam quickly toward me. I turned to the boat and began to swim as fast as I could. God was great! I knew I was never so fast sswim. anywyas, whyen I got up, the shark was about 5 meters from me when I saw there were only a few steps from the boat. It was long, about 8 feet. Tiger Shark I

My only thing was quite dramatic to lol.
I was with friends when iw as in school, and we had a barbecue in the woods. We discovered a river, andwas beautiful. I was, and the current startingpulling me, I tried to beat him, but I could not obivously. He gave me a very small waterfall, which was about 5 feet tall, then I said, "Oh all right." M Fine. "And I saw a waterfall, and it was more like 25 meters high. I began to cry, and one of my Miller who in the swim team, dove and grabbed me. We started on a cliff, and then land. Fear . but now my friend of 2 years.

And you?


Socially Awkward said...

First ... You should avoid the water XD

I had 3

2 thenm, when I was in kindergarten. One of them was in a zoo, I was sitting on the railing to take the place of a crocodile and I fell back into it. However, a man grabbed my leg.

The other was when me and 2 friends from school and the bus came to us quickly. We hid under it: D. I remember we were in kindergarten.

Then, a case this year as I waited for a train really lifts the season when he ran on the wrong side, so I started running the other side, I run to see where the car was comeing Then I j shot out and was almsost,

TT said...

no. I did not lol

Kevin A said...

I was 4 years. I feel a staircase in New York. Towards the middle of this guy I was caught. My nose was bleeding. That is all.

Megan C said...

Do not know

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