Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hhv 6 Do I Have Multiple Sclerosis?

Do I have Multiple Sclerosis? - hhv 6

Hello everyone,

My mother is in her forties and has had MS since, about 20 people. I am 19 years old.

In March 2008 I started with a rash on his stomach, which was later discovered (by me) that HHV-6. I started having terrible pain in his right leg and tingling in my right foot. I began to like a zombie (a type of brain fog feel autopilot), and has an intolerable Insomniac affected by fatigue. My doctor diagnosed Lyme disease and gave me the usual treatment one month of doxycycline.

It is now September 2009, and have more symptoms: leg pain, impaired vision and pain in my right eye, pain in my right shoulder, back and abdominal pain (MS hug?), Fatigue, insomnia, impaired concentration, short memory loss, coordination problems, and urinary urgency and indecision.

Am I the doctor and now runs another Lyme test, but I think it's more than that for mental health problems go with it.

Please give your opinion, would be very gratefuld.


Dekayel said...

When Lyme disease is treated adequately (and in many cases one months of doxa) is not sufficient, the person often develops exactly the symptoms you describe. Memory loss and concentration difficulties are characteristic of Lyme disease, and everything you mentioned fits the profile well.

Note that only the conduct of laboratory tests nothing that can prove one way or another. The tests are very reliable. You must be from someone who truly understands Lyme disease are investigated. In most cases, this means that a doctor with ILADS connected. (see below)

You need to know about the Lyme disease in these pages. Then get the book "The solution of Lyme disease." Having the film "Under the Skin".

Good sources of information on Lyme disease:

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